How to lower cholesterol naturally: 5 easy tips

Fatima Razzaq
3 min readJun 18, 2021

About 1.9 billion adults are overweight and suffer from high cholesterol, and about 180 million people have diabetes. An effortless swap in lifestyle can improve your cholesterol without medication. If you have a disorganized lifestyle, you are more likely to fall for copious health problems.

Do you want to live a rich life? Do you struggle with medicines to oversee your health? Do you fear heart diseases and heart attacks and suffer silently from elevated cholesterol?

Well, you’re on the right page. Fasten your seat belts because, in this article, we will cover five easy natural steps that can daunt your cholesterol.

  1. Exercise daily to lose weight

Blood cholesterol level immensely falls during an intensive workout. But not everyone can exercise daily, so why not try some simple hacks?

Do you take elevators wherever you go? Try stairs to burn your calories at a slower pace. Do you enjoy sitting on your comfy sofa? Try kettlebells while watching your favorite serials. Jogging instead of walking increases your body’s metabolism ten folds.

2. Wary diet

Some foods provide soluble fiber and unsaturated fats that are much needed, while others offer trans or saturated fats that shoot up cholesterol. Look for olive oil, canola oil, almonds, avocado, and food rich in polyunsaturated fats.

Take whey protein daily (present in dairy products). Include salmon and walnuts in your diet for Omega-3. Beans, eggplants, okra, fish, and citrus fruits also aid to nether LDL.

3. Quit smoking

Smoking increases bad lipoprotein and having high levels of LDL cholesterol elevates the rate of heart attacks and strokes. The risk of myocardial infarction is higher in young female smokers.

Your HDL cholesterol level improves once you quit smoking. It also reduces the risk of heart diseases. Within 3-months of quitting, your heart and lungs start to recover and function normally.

4. Avoid stress

When you’re all stressed out, your cholesterol can rise to a questionable level so avoid stress and laugh more!

Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. (Lord Bron)

Set your energy on positivity around you. Unwind time for yoga and contemplate your existence. Check out some funny animal videos. Read a book or two, hang out with friends, spend time shopping, or why not become a chef for a day?

5. Moderate alcohol consumption

Alcohol improves the ‘reverse cholesterol transport’ and increases HDL level when consumed in a middling quantity. Excessive alcohol induces heart disease risk and lung failure.

Moderate drinking can include up to 1 glass of alcohol a day for all women and older men and up to 2 drinks a day for men aged 65 or less. Just like any other thing, excessive cholesterol is detrimental to the natural mechanism.


If, after all these steps, your cholesterol level still doesn’t change, consult your doctor; a simple blood draw after an overnight fast is all that is required.

What do you think of these ways? Do comment below and inform us of other approaches that you’ve got.

